51  Spatial Mapping of Infectious Disease Risk

Source: Ewan Cameron. Chapter 26.

51.1 Why need High-Resolution, Infectious Disease Risk Maps?

Availability of data (electronic health information system, spatial data, imaging, GIS) –> possible to produce risk maps

These risk maps are valuable for stakeholders:

  • national disease control program: allocate resources, identify intervention target

  • supra-national organizations (WHO etc): evaluation of progress (???)

  • individual: travel plan, performance of health system

Producing these maps require formal statistical approach because:

  • Infectious disease data features: disaggregation, interrogation (???)

  • stochasticity of the generating process

51.2 How to produce High-Resolution, Infectious Disease Risk Maps?

51.2.1 What are required data? Georeferenced disease data Spatial covariates

51.3 What are challenges to use and improve disease risk maps?